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Published: June 2, 2020

Our last blog post discussed how POSIX specifies timestamp updates operated by interfaces and utilities, and we detailed the impact of common operations (a file being written to shall get updated MC).

This post explores POSIX timestamps specification more deeply and demonstrates how to design and implement compliance tests.

Details and implementation target Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD.

Code and documentation can be found here:

1 - Scope

We will solely look into timestamps specified by POSIX: M (last data modification), A (last data access) and C (last file status change).

POSIX specifies when a timestamp shall be marked for update, shall be updated, shall be left untouched (when nothing is specified for a read/write operation) or when modification is unspecified (when the operation is not expected to perform a read/write or to modify timestamps):

Each function or utility in POSIX.1-2017 that reads or writes data (even if the data does
not change) or performs an operation to change file status (even if the file status
does not change) indicates which of the appropriate timestamps shall be marked
for update.
If an implementation of such a function or utility marks for update one of these
timestamps in a place or time not specified by POSIX.1-2017, this shall be documented
For the other functions or utilities in POSIX.1-2017 (those that are not explicitly required to
read or write file data or change file status, but that in some implementations happen to do
so), the effect is unspecified.

2 - From “marked for update” to actual update

Most timestamp updates will be done in two steps: the timestamp is marked for update and, immediately or later, it is actually updated (the change is written on the file system).

POSIX specifies that timestamps marked for update may be actually updated immediately or at a later stage:

An implementation may update timestamps that are marked for update immediately, or it may update such timestamps periodically.

We will first look into fopen() and fclose() specifications, then give examples of files being read and written to.

2.1 - Opening files: fopen()

fopen() is central to any file operation, POSIX specifies the following things:

If mode is w, wb, a, ab, w+, wb+, w+b, a+, ab+, or a+b, and the file did not previously
exist, upon successful completion, fopen( ) shall mark for update the last data access, last
data modification, and last file status change timestamps of the file and the last file status
change and last data modification timestamps of the parent directory.
If mode is w, wb, w+, wb+, or w+b, and the file did previously exist, upon successful
completion, fopen( ) shall mark for update the last data modification and last file status
change timestamps of the file

Nothing is said in POSIX for files opened in read mode but as every timestamp update for read/write operations shall be documented, the absence of the specification implies that no timestamp shall be updated.


2.2 - Files ceasing to be opened and fclose()

fclose() shall mark MC for update if there is buffered data yet to be written to the file:

The fclose( ) function shall mark for update the last data modification and last file status change
timestamps of the underlying file, if the stream was writable, and if buffered data remains that
has not yet been written to the file.

Additionnally, once a file is not open anymore, all timestamps marked for update shall be updated:

All timestamps that are marked for update shall be updated when the file ceases to be open by any process […]

Thus closing a file with fclose() shall:

2.3 - File read

Let’s take the example of a file being opened, read, then closed:

FILE* fd = fopen("file", "rb");
char* buf = (char*) calloc(3, sizeof(char));
fread(buf, 1, 2, fd);

fopen(), when mode is “rb”, has no specified impact on timestamps.

POSIX specifies that fread() shall mark A for update:

The last data access timestamp shall be marked for update by the first successful
execution of fgetc( ), fgets( ), fread( ), fscanf( ), getc( ), getchar( ), getdelim( ), getline( ), gets( ), or
scanf( ) using stream that returns data not supplied by a prior call to ungetc( ).

If it did not happen before, at last when the file is closed with fclose() its timestamps marked for update shall be updated.

Thus, with fopen() + fread() + fclose() POSIX specifies the following timeline for timestamp updates:


While fread() shall mark the timestamps for update, the actual timestamp update may happen at any time between the fread() and fclose() calls.

2.4 - File write

Example of an existing file being opened, written to, flushed then closed:

FILE* fd = fopen("file", "wb");
fwrite("Hallo", 5, 1, fd);

As explained previously fopen() with the “wb” write mode shall mark MC for update (even if nothing is actually written to the file).

The actual update might happen at anytime between fopen() and when the file is closed (fclose())

POSIX specifies the following for fwrite():

The last data modification and last file status change timestamps of the file shall be marked for
update between the successful execution of fwrite( ) and the next successful completion of a call
to fflush( ) or fclose( ) on the same stream, or a call to exit( ) or abort( ).

So MC shall be marked for update between fwrite() and fflush(), which itself shall mark MC for update if there is unwritten data:

If stream points to an output stream or an update stream in which the most recent operation
was not input, fflush( ) shall cause any unwritten data for that stream to be written to the
file, and the last data modification and last file status change timestamps of the underlying
file shall be marked for update.

In the end, depending on implementation choice, MC shall be marked for update between two and three times, and MC shall actually be updated at least once (after the last “marked for update”), as shown here:


When observing timestamps at a later stage for forensics purposes we only see the most recent change that is actually stored in the file system. The file is last marked for update sometime between fwrite() and fflush() and thus last updated between fwrite() and fclose().

3 - Testing strategy

Roughly, to test if an action actually updated a timestamp we need to store the current time t_1, realise the action, store the current time t_2, store the file’s timestamps with stat(file) and check that it is between t_1 and t_2.

stat() will be central to these tests and is specified to force update of timestamps marked for update, similarly to when the file is closed:

All timestamps that are marked for update shall be updated when the file ceases
to be open by any process or before a fstat( ), fstatat( ), fsync( ), futimens( ),
lstat( ), stat( ), utime( ), utimensat( ), or utimes( ) is successfully performed on
the file.

3.1 - Testing “actual update”

We use the following steps:


Current time, as computed for file timestamps

The tests rely on comparison of two types of time:

Those two types can be based on different, coarsed or truncated values. Thus even when the system timestamp t_1 was fetched before the file timestamp t_M was updated and fetched, there is no guarantee that t_1 <= t_M.

This is why, for accurate comparison and testing, we want to make sure both types are fetched and computed the same way.

POSIX only specifies that, when updated, the assigned timestamp shall be the greatest value supported by the filesystem (through truncation) that is not greater than the current time:

At the point in time when an update occurs, any marked timestamps shall be set to the current time [...]
Whenever any of a file’s timestamps are to be set to a value V according to the rules of the preceding paragraphs of this section, 
the implementation shall immediately set the timestamp to the greatest value supported by the file system that is not greater than V.
Upon assignment, file timestamps are immediately converted to the resolution of the file system by truncation (i.e., the recorded time can
be older than the actual time).

It is especially not specified:

Our approach for current_time() is to fetch (or calculate) “current time” exactly as done when a timestamp is updated, making both timestamp types consistent.

This is why our current_time() function is OS-dependent, the next section (4 - Implementation) describes how it is implemented for each of the three tested kernels.


The delays’ goal is to ensure that times fetched before and after them, potentially used for timestamp updates, have different values.

The specified bound is that POSIX timestamp resolution shall not be coarser than 1 second:

The resolution of timestamps of files in a file system is implementation-defined, but shall be
no coarser than one-second resolution.

Since our current_time() function fetches the time used for filesystem updates, this means the underlying “current time” can be truncated up to a resolution of 1 second.

We need to be sure the underlying “current time” has a resolution no coarser than 1 second.

As previously explained there is not one specified way to determine the underlying “current time” and we cannot be sure of the resolution of this “current time” as POSIX allows implementations to use custom clocks for which the resolution is not bounded and cannot be tuned:

An implementation may also support additional clocks. The interpretation of time values for these clocks is unspecified.

Clock resolutions are implementation-defined and cannot be set by a process.

However POSIX-defined system-wide clocks CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONIC shall not be coarser than 20 000 000 ns (0.02s):

The resolution of the CLOCK_REALTIME clock, in nanoseconds.
Value: 20 000 000
If the Monotonic Clock option is supported, the resolution of the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock, in nanoseconds, is represented by {_POSIX_CLOCKRES_MIN}.

If “current time” is based on clock CLOCK_REALTIME (or has the same minimal resolution) then the resolution constraint (not coarser than 1 second) is valid, we will see in next section (4 - Implementation) that the underlying OS-dependent “current time” all respect this condition.

We implement delays with nanosleep using clock CLOCK_REALTIME, we need to account for the resolution (a delay of 1.04s with CLOCK_REALTIME may actually “last” between 1.00s and 1.08s in terms of the underlying system clock).

The final delay we take is 1.1s to account for potential precision difference between current_time() and CLOCK_REALTIME.

Example with file fwrite+fclose

This example is adapted (simplified) from test GENERAL.UPDATE.WRITE_CLOSE (function check_general_update_write_close()). It checks that fwrite()+fclose() on an existing file updates MC.

// Preparation:
char* path = misc_concat_ensure_file_exists(dir_path, __func__, 0, ns_after_open, output_file, error_file, __func__);
FILE* fd = fopen(path, "wb");

// stat(file):

// Delay (1.1s):

// t_1 = current_time()
struct timespec* ts_before = current_time_ns_fslike_osspecific();
// Actions to be tested:
fwrite("Hallo", 5, 1, fd);

// t_2 = current_time()
struct timespec* ts_after = current_time_ns_fslike_osspecific();

// Delay (1.1s):

// t_MACB=stat(file):
struct stat_macb* file_stat = get_path_timestamps(path);

// Check result:
int result = result_MAC_updated(UPDATE_MANDATORY, NOUPDATE_OPTIONAL, UPDATE_MANDATORY, output_file, error_file, __func__, ts_before, ts_after, file_stat);

Function current_time_ns_fslike_osspecific() is the implementation-dependent way to get the “current time” used for timestamp updates.

3.2 - Testing “marked for update”

Tests that a timestamp is “marked for update” are based on the specification of stat() that will force any timestamp marked for update to be actually updated.

We use the following steps:

There is no need for a delay between the last two step because fetching t_2 does not change the stored values t_MAC.


Note that:

Testing for “marked for update but not updated”:

Example with fwrite+fflush

This example is adapted (simplified) from test INTERFACES.FILE.FFLUSH.WRITE (function check_interfaces_file_fflush_write()). It checks that fwrite()+fflush() on an existing file marks MC for update.

// Preparation:
char* path = (char*) misc_concat_ensure_file_exists(dir_path, "interfaces.file.fflush.write", s_0s, ns_100ms, output_file, error_file, __func__);
FILE* fd = fopen(path, "wb");

// Delay (1.1s):

// stat(file):

// t_1 = current_time()
struct timespec* ts_before = current_time_ns_fslike_osspecific();

// Actions to be tested:
fwrite("Hallo", 5, 1, fd);

// t_MACB=stat(file):
struct stat_macb* file_stat = get_path_timestamps(path);

// t_2 = current_time()
struct timespec* ts_after = current_time_ns_fslike_osspecific();
int result = result_MAC_updated(UPDATE_MANDATORY, NOUPDATE_OPTIONAL, UPDATE_MANDATORY, output_file, error_file, __func__, ts_before, ts_after, file_stat);

4 - Implementation

Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD all use flags in the inode structure to mark M, A and C for update.

4.1 - OS-dependent “current time” for timestamp updates


Linux, when updating a timestamp, calls the current_time() kernel function which uses the kernel function ktime_get_coarse_real_ts64() to get a current time specified as clock CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE and truncates it to fit the file system resolution:


Defining a specific clock (accessor) makes it directly accessible from userland, thus the implemention of our function current_time_ns_fslike_osspecific() on Linux is functionally equivalent to calling clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE). Truncating is not implemented as we test against ext4 filesystems which have a resolution to the nanosecond.


Timestamp updates in OpenBSD (on FFS filesystems) happen in kernel function ffs_update():

This function relies on function ufs_itimes() and then getnanotime() to retrieve the current time to be assigned to the updated timestamp.

Comments ( describe getnanotime(), following name convention of the prefix “get”, as fetching a coarsed time:

Unfortunately none of the clocks exposed to userland via clock_gettime() ( use getnanotime() nor another underlying function with the same “get” prefix. No clock accessor allows us to fetch a similar coarsed time.

Thus there is no direct userland way to fetch a “current time” consistent with timestamp updates. For OpenBSD we used the generic solution described below.


Similarly to OpenBSD, FreeBSD (on UFS filesystems) updates timestamps in kernel function ffs_update():

This function calls ufs_itimes() which relies on ufs_itimes_locked() and then vfs_timestamp() to retrieve the current time to be assigned to the updated timestamp.


We focused on the default behavior that calls microtime().

Both microtime() and nanotime() call bintime(), which provides the most precise time, and store it in the relevant structure with truncation to fit the wanted resolution:

None of the clocks exposed to userland in kern_clock_gettime ( use microtime() but clock CLOCK_REALTIME_PRECISE gives access to nanotime().

It is thus possible to compute microtime() by getting nanotime() through clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME_PRECISE) and truncating the result to the microsecond resolution, this is how we implemented current_time_ns_fslike_osspecific() on FreeBSD.

Generic solution

The most generic way the get the “current time” used for timestamp updates is simply to open, modify and close an existing file, then use stat(file) to get its updated M timestamp.

This technique is not recommended because it modifies the filesystem itself, which could lead to unwanted side effects like triggering updates to timestamps that were solely marked for update.

We use this solution for OpenBSD.

4.2 - POSIX specification levels

Not every timestamp modification specified in POSIX is mandatory, we find the following levels and wording:

For instance with futimens():

Upon successful completion, futimens( ) and utimensat( ) shall mark the last file status change
timestamp for update, with the exception that if both tv_nsec fields are set to UTIME_OMIT,
the file status change timestamp need not be marked for update.

The NEEDNOT test for action “futimens() needs not to update the last file status change timestamp of the file when both tv_nsec fields are set to UTIME_OMIT” passes if, under those circomstances, C is not updated.

5 - Examples

The default Linux mount option relatime applies a filter to updates: A updates are performed if A was earlier or equal to M or C, or at least 1 day old. Thus Linux is tested with the non-default mount option strictatime.

OpenBSD and FreeBSD are tested with default mount options.

The following tests explore the behavior of previously discussed fwrite, fread, as well as file creation and clocks. All POSIX implementation pass tests where the behavior is specified.

5.1 - File read and write

Description Linux? OpenBSD? FreeBSD? Specified?
fopen(rb) shall not update MAC Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
fopen(rb)+fstat+fclose shall not update MAC Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
fread shall mark A for update Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
fread shall not update A No Yes Yes No
fread+fclose shall update A Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
fread+stat shall update A Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
fread+fstat shall update A Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
fwrite shall update MC No No No No
fwrite+fclose shall update MC Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
fwrite+stat shall update MC No No No No
fwrite+fstat shall update MC No No No No

We find the previously described behavior of a file read:

For file write:

5.2 - New files

Description Linux? OpenBSD? FreeBSD? Specified?
New file shall have MAC updated Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
New file shall have MAC updated (CLOCK_REALTIME) No No Yes No
New file shall have MAC set to same value Yes Yes Yes No

New files have updated MAC with M=A=C

The failed test “New file shall have MAC updated (CLOCK_REALTIME)” is the following sequence (without the usual delays):

We can investigate why it fails on Linux:

WARNING: check_general_new_file_realtime - M not updated
WARNING: check_general_new_file_realtime - A not updated
WARNING: check_general_new_file_realtime - C not updated
INFO: check_general_new_file_realtime:
INFO: Before: 1589977057s 260900329ns ; After: 1589977057s 261006919ns
INFO: M: 1589977057s 256807738ns
INFO: A: 1589977057s 256807738ns
INFO: C: 1589977057s 256807738ns
RESULT: No - No(.UNKNOWN) - New file shall have MAC updated (CLOCK_REALTIME) - GENERAL.NEW_FILE_REALTIME - check_general_new_file_realtime

We see that t_M, t_A and t_C (all equal to 1589977057.256807738s) are earlier than t_1 (1589977057.260900329s).

This is a direct consequence of Linux (and OpenBSD) using coarse time for timestamp updates, as explained previously. The problem does not arrise with FreeBSD (which uses the most precise clock) nor when we use the discussed implementation-dependent function current_time_ns_fslike_osspecific() to fetch “current time”.

5.3 - Clocks

Description Linux? OpenBSD? FreeBSD? Specified?
Clock resolution shall be at least 0.02s (CLOCK_REALTIME) Yes Yes Yes MANDATORY
Clock CLOCK_REALTIME is incremental (increasing) Yes Yes Yes No
Clock (ns_fslike_osspecific) is incremental (increasing) Yes Yes Yes No

Those tests show that, CLOCK_REALTIME is always declared (test uses clock_getres()) as having at least the specified resolution. The two other tests simply check that clocks are incremental.


POSIX specifies many timestamp-related behavior. However the two-step update process (marked for update, updated) and the imprecision on what is “current time” for updates leave room for implementation differences and makes testing them from userland not straightforward.