$ whoami
Aurélien Thierry
- https://twitter.com/yaps8
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/aurelien-thierry
- https://www.xing.com/profile/Aurelien_Thierry
- https://github.com/QuoSecGmbH/os_timestamps/ - Explore how your Unix-like OS (Linux, BSD, macOS…) modifies MACB timestamps.
- https://github.com/QuoSecGmbH/grap/ - Match graph patterns within binaries
- A systematic approach to understanding MACB timestamps on Unix-like systems (DFRWS-EU 2022) - [paper] [pdf] [slides] [video] [transcript]
- Testing updates of POSIX timestamps (2020):
- MAC(B) Timestamps across POSIX implementations (Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD) (2019):
- Tutorial (2020): Navigating malware samples (focus on CLI and IDA)
- Tutorial (2020): Automating strings decryption (focus on IDA and python bindings)
- MISC: Algorithmes et implémentations cryptographiques vulnérables : détection avec grap
- GreHack 2017: Detection of cryptographic algorithms with grap
- Sthack 2017: Recherche de motifs de graphes dans un exécutable avec GRAP
- REcon Brussels 2017: GRAP: define and match graph patterns within binaries
- CESAR: Test d’intrusion dans un système de contrôle de la qualité de l’eau
- MISC: Réseau sans fil 802.15.4 et sécurité
- CCS 2013: CoDisasm: medium scale concatic disassembly of self-modifying binaries with overlapping instructions
- Malware 2013: Duqu against Duqu: Analysis and Diversion of Duqu’s driver
- SSTIC 2013: Duqu contre Duqu : Analyse et détournement du driver de Duqu
- Malware 2012: Code synchronization by morphological analysis
- REcon 2012: Recognition of binary patterns by Morphological analysis